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Our Team

Spearheaded by its 2 partners, the team consists of experiencedchartered accountants, company secretaries and other professionals, with expertise in areas of statutory audit, internal audit, direct tax, indirect tax, company law, business advisory service etc.

Mr. Gurmukh Kotwani, 
B.Com, FCA

Mr. Gurmukh Kotwani is a co-founder of the firm. A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) since 1985, he has over 35 years of experience in the field of Domestic and International taxation, Companies Laws and Business Advisory. He also regularly represents before different tax authorities for assessments and appeals.

Mr. Anil Kumar, 

Mr. Anil Kumar, is a co-founder of the firm. He has been a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) since 2016, as well as Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI). He has over 7 year experience in wide range of accounting, consulting in direct taxation and auditing services.

Our dedicated team comprises of competent people with extensive knowledge and experience. Our professionalism and expertise  helps us to  service our clients to their satisfaction. 

We are committed to provide consistent customized and workable solutions to our clients with highest level of dedication and professionalism incorporating advanced technology.  


News & Events

Centre Govt cannot Impose Service Tax on Sale of Lotteries
GST evasion of Rs.1.88 lakh Cr detected by CGST officers during April-Dec 2024
SEBI mulls changes in Secretarial compliance report format, Auditors' appointment norms
HC rejects pleas by CAs, Audit firms against NFRA’s Powers
Biometric-Based Aadhaar Authentication & Document Verification for GST Registration Applicants of Maharashtra & Lakshadweep
CBI Files Case Against 3 Tax Officials, 5 CAs for trying to Sabotaging Faceless Tax Scheme
RBI cut Repo Rate by 25 basis points to 6.25%
GST Advisory On E-Way Bill Generation for Goods Under Chapter 71
All Agency Banks to remain open for public on March 31, 2025 (Monday)
Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Access Criteria for NDS-OM) Directions, 2025
Change in Bank Rate
Standing Liquidity Facility for Primary Dealers
Liquidity Adjustment Facility - Change in rates
Framework for imposing monetary penalty and compounding of offences under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007
Clarification on applicability of late fee for delay in furnishing of FORM GSTR-9C- reg.
Mandatory additional qualifiers in import/export declarations in respect of Synthetic or Reconstructed Diamonds–reg.
Private Placement of Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) with maturity period of more than one year by HFCs – Review of guidelines